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Schools and Colleges
  • Schools & colleges 

Urban safety awareness 

Pupils of all ages are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers surrounding them in today’s world. From mobile phone theft, peer pressure, victimisation and mugging, youngsters of all ages can easily become unsuspecting targets. 

A variety of short courses have been designed to help youngsters recognise danger signs at an early stage and “think safe” in a variety of situations, in order to avoid becoming a victim. 

Courses can be tailored to meet specific requirements, aimed at particular age groups or can be selected from a number of ready made programmes, with both practical and classroom content. 

Our trainers are all NPIA trained, with extensive experience working with youth and adult participants. 

  • Gap year students 
The Safe traveller 

Many students opt to take a gap year or travel abroad during extended holiday periods. Safe traveller course examines the principles of safer travel and provide individuals with the necessary information and practical skills needed to minimise the risks of becoming a victim, demonstrating how to deal quickly and competently with a variety of potentially dangerous situations.
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