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The changing world in which we live has an extraordinary and unprecedented degree of instability. Many countries that have become independent have no strong national identity and poor public infrastructure. Insurgents, terrorists and organised criminal elements make governance of these countries difficult. Statistics show that due to the rising tide of violence and corruption, companies and unions are reviewing their safety practices as a matter of urgency.    
Terrorist attacks demonstrate that crime today, committed by terrorists against organisations, does not always involve the loss of cash. Valuable assets such as business information, computer software, scientific research and product inventory are often targeted and are now becoming commonplace and growing in sophistication but it is not the threat to property and assets that is of the greatest concern, individuals are now more repeatedly at risk to assault, rape, harassment, kidnap and even indiscriminate murder.

Christie McMahon, C.E.O. Patriot Group warns:  

“Insidious terrorism coupled with constantly changing technology means that we must continually strive to find intelligent security solutions. Only by being in constant operational duty around the world can teams provide comprehensive security intelligence helping to initiate cutting edge operational and training methods to help combat the changing face of terrorism. Now more than ever before companies and individuals are recognising the value of professional security organisations to protect themselves, their assets and their personnel.”

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